Glusterfs distributed storage
Install a Glusterfs cluster with Kubernetes
Through the content of this article, I will explain to users how to install a Glusterfs cluster through Kubernetes and provide high-availability storage for Rainbond
In the installed Kubernetes cluster, each of the three nodes should be mounted with an SSD disk with a space of not less than 500G
Format and mount the prepared disk to the specified directory
# View available disks
fdisk -l
# Partition and format
mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb1
mkdir -p /data
echo "/dev/vdb1 /data xfs defaults 1 2" >>/etc/fstab
# Mount
mount -a
# Make sure /data is mounted
df -h | grep dataInstall the corresponding version of the Glusterfs client tool on all Kubernetes nodes and load the required kernel modules
- Ubuntu 1604/1804
apt install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-7
apt update
apt install glusterfs-client -y
modprobe dm_thin_pool- CentOS 7
yum -y install centos-release-gluster
yum -y install glusterfs-client
modprobe dm_thin_pool
Deploy the Glusterfs cluster
The following operations can be performed once on any master node of Kubernetes
Get the corresponding item
git clone && cd gfs-k8s
Set the node label and specify the corresponding node to run the Glusterfs component
#Set the label and change Glusterfs1/2/3 to the corresponding Kubernetes node node
kubectl label node Glusterfs1 Glusterfs2 Glusterfs3 storagenode=glusterfs
#After this operation, the corresponding node will only run the Glusterfs service. To reuse this node, please Don't do this
kubectl taint node Glusterfs1 Glusterfs2 Glusterfs3 glusterfs=true:NoScheduleCreate a Glusterfs service
kubectl create -f gluster-daemonset.yaml
Check if the Glusterfs service is running normally on the specified node
kubectl get pods -o wide --selector=glusterfs-node=daemonset
glusterfs-2k5rm 1/1 Running 0 52m <none> <none>
glusterfs-mc6pg 1 /1 Running 0 134m <none> <none>
glusterfs-tgsn7 1/1 Running 0 134m <none> <none>Add Glusterfs service as unified cluster
#Add the other two Glusterfs services to the cluster through one of the Glusterfs services
kubectl exec -ti glusterfs-2k5rm gluster peer probe Glusterfs2_IP
kubectl exec -ti glusterfs-2k5rm gluster peer probe Glusterfs3_IP
#Check whether the addition is successful, the addition will show other Status of both Glusterfs services
kubectl exec -ti glusterfs-2k5rm gluster peer status
Configure a Glusterfs cluster as a resource available to Kubernetes
Create a service account and authorize RBAC
kubectl create -f rbac.yaml
Create Glusterfs-provisioner
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
Create storageclass resource
#Modify the value of parameters.brickrootPaths in storageclass.yaml and replace it with the IP
of the Glusterfs node kubectl create -f storageclass.yamlCreate pvc validation
kubectl create -f pvc.yaml
kubectl get pvc | grep gluster-simple-claim #STATUS is Bound when the creation is successfulCreate pod verification
kubectl create -f pod.yaml
kubectl get po | grep gluster-simple-pod #STATUS is Running when running normallyremove verification pod
kubectl delete -f pod.yaml
Complete the installation of Glusterfs, refer to to initialize the Rainbond cluster parameter description to connect to the storage.