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5.7.1 upgrade to 5.8.0 documentation

version change

Version 5.8.0 Changes

Console upgrade

  1. Execute sql upgrade script
  • enter Rainbond-console component
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -n rbd-system | grep rbd-app-ui | grep Running | sed -n '1p ' | awk '{print $1}') -n rbd-system bash
  • After entering the Rainbond-console component, execute the following command
curl https://rainbond-script.oss-cn-hangzhou | bash

Data Center Upgrade

1. Update grctl command

docker run -it --rm -v /:/rootfs copy
mv /usr/local/bin/rainbond-grctl /usr/ local/bin/grctl && grctl install

Note:If you are unable to install grctl, please refer to grctl installation documentation

2. Execute the upgrade command

grctl cluster upgrade --new-version=v5.8.0-release
For Rainbond not installed by helm, the following errors are normal and can be ignored
error: update rainbond components: get rbdcomponent rbd-app-ui: "rbd-app-ui" not found