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The case of Spring Cloud microservices deployed in Rainbond

Example project details

This document takesPig rapid development frameworkas an example to demonstrate how to deploy a complete set of Spring Cloud projects on Rainbond.

Pig Microservice Architecture V2.1.0:

  • RBAC authority management system based on Spring Cloud Finchley and Spring Security OAuth2
  • Encapsulate Element-ui based on the concept of data-driven view, even without vue experience, you can get started quickly
  • Provides support for common containerization Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher2
  • Provide production practice of lambda, stream api, webflux

Module Description:

├── pig-ui -- front-end engineering[80]
├── pig-auth -- authorization service provider[3000]
└── pig-common -- system common module
├── pig-common-core -- common Tool class core package
├── pig-common-log -- log service
└── pig-common-security -- security tool class
├── pig-config -- configuration center[8888]
├── pig-eureka -- Service registration and discovery[8761]
├── pig-gateway -- Spring Cloud Gateway gateway[9999]
└── pig-upms -- General user rights management module
└── pigx-upms-api -- General user rights management System public api module
└── pigx-upms-biz -- general user rights management system business processing module[4000]
└── pigx-visual -- graphical module
├── pigx-monitor -- Spring Boot Admin monitoring [5001]
└── pigx-codegen -- graphical code generation22[5003]
pigx-[5002]-- microservice link tracking24

The above modules can be divided into two categories:class libraries and services. Readers can compare their own Spring Cloud projects.

  • After construction, a jar package is generated, a collection of classes used to implement various functions, that is, a class library, such as thepig-commonmodule in Pig
  • After construction, a jar package or war package is generated, which is started by java -jar or tomcat, etc., and a port is opened to provide services, that is, a service, such as thepig-eurekamodule in Pig

Just build the service module in Rainbond.

After sorting out, the service components that the project needs to build include:

boot sequenceservice component namerun portComponent function
1pig-eureka8761spring cloud service discovery registration and discovery
2pig-config8888spring cloud configuration center
3pig-gateway9999spring cloud microservice gateway
4pig-auth3000Authorized service provided
5pig-upms-biz4000General user rights management system business processing module
6pig-monitor5001Spring Boot Admin Monitoring
7pig-codegen5003Graphical code generation
8pig-zipkin5002Microservice Link Tracking
9pig-ui80Front-end project (vue project)

Deployment Environment Description:

To deploy pig, the following environments are required to support:

Middleware or environment requirementsVersion requirementsRemark
JDK1.8Mandatory version
MySQL5.7+Mandatory version
Redis3.2+Mandatory version
node8.0+Used to run front-end projects
npm6.0+For building front-end projects

project link:

module building

Create a new application and name it spring-cloud

Get project clone/download address:

Java multi-module deployment Pig project

ReferenceJAVA multi-module source code construction

Deploy the Pig project step by step

Takepig-eurekaas an example to demonstrate the construction process:from source code

  • Add service components for spring-cloud - start from source - custom repository:

Click New Service, Rainbond will automatically pull the code, and automatically recognize the code language as Java-mavenaccording to pom.xml in the code root directory.cancel and build start option:

  • Click Create to go to the page where the service component is not deployed.Edit the ports tab, open pig-eureka own port 8761

pig-eureka needs to be accessed by other microservice components for registration, so open the inbound service to create dependencies later.This component also provides a web page to display the registration status and health status of the microservice components, so open external services for external access.

  • Edit the build sources tab, specifying pig-eureka build parameters:

Since Pig itself is a multi-module project, it is necessary to specify the module built by the current service component.The way to specify is Maven build global parameters in <code>build run environment settings:clean dependency:list install -pl pig-eureka -am

The above parameters specify the normal submodule construction method. For submodules in another submodule, such as the pig-codegen module, the parameter specification method is: clean dependency:list install -pl pig-visual/pig- codegen -am

In the v5.1+ version of Rainbond, the startup command of the current service component can be specified.The way specified is start command:in <code>build runtime setting web: java $JAVA_OPTS -jar /app/pig-eureka/target/*.jar, the command format is consistent with Procfile.

  • Edit the dependencies tab, specify that the current service component depends on other service:

The dependencies between the various service components can be specified at creation time.All spring cloud microservice components need to depend on pig-eureka, taking pig-gatewayas an example, the dependencies should be added as follows:

  • After all the settings are completed, you can click Build. After the build is complete, the service component will automatically run.

  • All service components are deployed in sequence.

Deploy Mysql

The Pig microservice project needs to deploy Mysql 5.7+ as a data source.And the database initialization script: is provided in the code repository

In order to be able to load the initialization script when the database starts, a Dockerfileis made:

FROM percona:5.7.23-stretch
LABEL creater="barnett"
ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai
ADD /run/
ADD ./run/ /usr/local/bin/
ADD ./run/mysqld.cnf /etc/mysql/percona-server.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
RUN fetchDeps=' \
ca -certificates \
wget \
sed -i 's/
/' /etc/apt/sources.list;\11 apt-get update;\
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $fetchDeps; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \
wget -O /usr/local/bin/env2file -q https:/
chmod +x /run/ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/env2file;\
apt-get purge -y --auto-remove $fetchDeps
VOLUME ["/var/lib/mysql", "/var/log/mysql"]
# Put the scripts in the sql directory in the code repository to the corresponding
COPY sql/*.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
# change ENTRYPOINT exec some custom command
ENTRYPOINT [ "/run/" ]
cmd [ "mysqld" ]
  • Add service components for spring-cloud - start from source - custom repository:

Name the service component pig-dband specify the code branch pig.

Adding ?dir=5.7 to the end of the code repository address url allows Rainbond to specify the build directory as the 5.7 folder in the code repository root.

In order for the database to work properly and to be able to obtain connection information from other applications that depend on this database, several environment variables need to be:.

environment variable nameenvironment variable valueset location
MYSQL_USERrootconnection information
MYSQL_HOST127.0.0.1connection information
MYSQL_PORT3306connection information
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORDmysqlpasswordconnection information
MYSQL_DATABASEpigconnection information

By modifying the configuration file in pig-config , define the configuration of multiple microservice components connecting to the database:

pig/pig-config/ src/main/resources/config/pigx-codegen-dev.yml

The modified example is as follows:

# Data source
type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
username: ${MYSQL_USER}
url: jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST}:${MYSQL_PORT}/${MYSQL_DATABASE}?characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=false&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai

Deploy Redis

Redis 4.0.13 can be installed directly through the Rainbond application market.

This version of Redis provides connection information:by default

Define the configuration for all service components to connect to Redis by modifying pig-config in pig/pig-config/src/main/resources/config/application-dev.yml

The modified example is as follows:

# Spring related
password: ${REDIS_PASS}
host: ${REDIS_HOST}

Deploy pig-ui

pig-ui is a vue project written in nodejs language as a front-end static page for the whole system.Rainbond currently supports source code construction nodejs front-end project, reference document:NodeJS front-end language

In order to facilitate the transformation of the project, a fork of the project was made for modification, code address:

Referring to the Rainbond code support specification, the identification file: nodestatic.jsonhas been added to the code root directory


And added the nginx configuration file in the code repository: www/web.conf for handling proxy forwarding:

server {
listen 80;
root /app/www;

location ~* ^/(code|auth|admin|gen) {
proxy_connect_timeout 15s;
proxy_send_timeout 15s;
proxy_read_timeout 15s;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Use this code to build the source code to complete the deployment of the pig-ui service component.

Dependency and port combing

service component namerelyPort inbound servicePort external service
pig-gatewaypig-eureka Redisonoff
pig-monitorpig-eureka Redisoffoff
pig-upms-bizpig-eureka pig-db Redisoffoff
pig-zipkinpig-eureka pig-db Redisoffon
pig-authpig-eureka Redisoffoff
pig-codegenpig-eureka pig-db Redisoffoff

final result

After the deployment is completed, the topology diagram is as follows:

Login effect:

Login account password: